Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Around the world with your kids?!

Have you ever dreamed of traveling around the world with your kids?

If the answer is yes, then there is a book you must read.

Pick up John Higham's, "360 Degrees Longitude." He and his wife, September, took their two kids (11-years & 8-years) on a trip around the world. The trip lasted 52 weeks.

Wow! How did they do it? Well, John tells his readers in detail how they managed; but mostly this feat of family travel was accomplished by having a good attitude, understandable and workable rules, and realistic expectations.

One thing they did do was let the kids help set the agenda - which helped create a family 'team' atmosphere. They also didn't over-pack a day with too many activities. They set reasonable schedules and stuck with the policy of one major event a day. The rest of the day was free time where the family allowed themselves to explore and enjoy their surroundings.

Of course, there were souvenir limits placed on the kids (and the adults). The kids still received their normal allowance and were allowed to purchase one thing per continent, but kept coins from each country.

Want to learn more on how this family did it? Get the book. For more fun read it together as a family and plan your own adventure. Maybe taking on your State, instead of the World.

What's the biggest family trip you've ever planned? Let us know!

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